Thank you for reading carefully the following terms of use of this website before reviewing it. Connecting yourself to the site implies your full unconditional acceptance of these terms.

OWNER and EDITOR of the Site by JCW WORLD
29 rue Bernard Palissy. 92500 Rueil Malmaison. France.
Autre Société à responsabilité limitée.
SIRET 818941106 000 10
N° de TVA intracommunautaire FR 55 818941106


The site accessible by the following url : is exploited in respect of the French laws. The use of this site is governed by the present general conditions. Using this site implies that you recognize having taken notice of and accepted these conditions. These can be modified at any time and without prior notice by the Company JCW WORLD.
JCW WORLD shall not be held responsible in any way whatsoever for a bad use of the service.


Jean-Christophe Wiart on behalf ofr JCW WORLD
29 rue Bernard Palissy
92500 Rueil Malmaison
Telephone : + 33 (0)6 13 24 69 08


The information included in this site is as precise as possible, and periodically updated. It may however contain inaccuracies, omissions, or gaps. Should you note a gap, mistake, or what might be a dysfunction, please be kind enough to report it by email describing the problem as precisely as possible (page where the problem is, triggering action, type of computer and navigator under use  …).

Any downloaded content is at the user’s risk, and under his sole responsibility. Consequently JCW WORLD shall not be held liable for any damage whatsoever suffered by the user’s computer or for any loss of data resulting from the downloading.

Photos are noncontractual.

Hyperlinks set up through this internet site in direction of other resources existing in the internet network shall not engage JCW WORLD responsibility.


Present conditions are governed by French laws and any contestation or litigation which may result from their interpretation or execution shall be under the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts which the Company JCW WORLD Head Office depends on. The reference language for the settlement of potential litigations is French.


Internet users have a permission to access, rectification, change, and suppression of the data concerning them personally. This permission may be exercised by postal route to JCW WORLD 29 rue Bernard Palissy 92500 Rueil Malmaison France or by email to Collected personal information are in no way communicated to third parties except for the potential good execution of the service ordered by the internet user.


Your personal data are confidential and will in no way be communicated to third parties except for the good execution of the service.


The whole content of the present site, including in a non-limiting way graphics, pictures, texts, videos, animations, sounds, logos, gifs, and icons, as well as their formatting, are the exclusive property of the Company JCW WORLD, with the exception of any brands, logos or contents owned by other partner or author companies.
Any reproduction, distribution, change, adaptation, rebroadcast or publishing, even partial, of these various elements is strictly prohibited without JCW WORLD  formal written agreement. Such a representation or reproduction by any means whatsoever is a forgery sanctioned by the articles L.3335-2 and following of the Intellectual Property Code. A  no-respect of this prohibition is a forgery likely to entail the forger’s civil and penal responsibility. Moreover, the owners of the copied contents might bring an action against you as well.

JCW WORLD is identically the owner of the « rights of database  producers « as referred to in the Book III, Title IV, of the Intellectual Property Code (law n° 98-536 of July 1st, 1998) relative to copyright and database.

Users and visitors of the site are allowed to set up a hyperlink in direction to this site, but only to the homepage, accessible to the following URL :, provided that the link opens into a new window. Particularly, a link to a sub page (“deep link”) is prohibited, as well as the opening of the present site within a framing, without JCW WORLD prior express authorization.

For any authorization or information request, please contact us by mail: Specific conditions are anticipated for the press.

Moreover, the formatting of this site has required the assistance of external sources whose rights we have acquired or whose use rights are open.




For an easier use and a better graphic design we recommend you to resort to modern navigators such as Safari, Firefox, Chrome,…


JCW WORLD implements all its means to ensure a reliable information and a reliable updating of its internet sites. Mistakes, however, or omissions may happen. The internet user then will have to make sure that the information is accurate with JCW WORLD, and report any changes of the site that he would recommend.  JCW WORLD is in no way responsible for the use of this information, nor for any resulting direct or indirect damage.


For statistical or displaying requirements the present site may use cookies. We are talking about little text files stored in your hard disk in order to record technical data on your navigation. Some parts of this site cannot be operational without the acceptance of cookies.


JCW WORLD internet sites may provide links toward other internet sites or other resources available on Internet. JCW WORLD has had no way to check sites connected to its own internet sites. JCW WORLD is not committed for the availability of such sites and external sources, nor guarantees it at all. It cannot be held liable for any damage whatsoever resulting from the content of these sites or external sources, particularly the information, products or services they propose, or any use that may be made of these elements. All risks relative to this use fully rest with the internet user who must comply with their terms of use.

Users, subscribers, and visitors of JCW WORLD are not allowed to set up a hyperlink in direction to this site without JCW WORLD prior express authorization.

In the event that a user or a visitor wishes to set up a hyperlink in direction to one of JCW WORLD internet sites, he will have to send an email in order to express his request for setting up a hyperlink. JCW WORLD reserves the right to accept or refuse a hyperlink without having to justify its decision.


Moreover, sending a visitor to an internet site in order to complete an information does not imply in any way that JCW WORLD recognizes or accepts any responsibility for the content or use of said site..


Consequently it is your responsibility to take all necessary usual precautions to make sure that what you choose to use is not soiled by errors or any destroying elements such as viruses, trojans,…….


No other guarantee is given to the customer who is responsible for expressing his requirements clearly and informing himself. Should information provided by Natural-net appear to be inaccurate, the customer will have to check by himself the consistency and credibility of the results. JCW WORLD shall in no way be held responsible by third parties for the customer’s use of information, or their absence, in its products, including its internet sites.


JCW WORLD is at your disposal for all your comments or suggestions. You can write to us in French by email to : or by letter to 29 rue Bernard Palissy 92500 Rueil Malmaison-France.